Monday 10 January 2011

Cyborgs and Artificial Life

Could artificial life be a step foward in eveloution? Is robotics, machineney and computer models an underestimated way foward?(Where would we be without the Internet today and what would come of the world if the Internet was taken away)

Artificial life could be a step foward in evloution, a step that we ourselfs have created. I would be a reveloution if we as humans could help

Touched on in the film iRobot starring Will Smith...
is this science fiction, action film a slight insight into what the future could be like? In the distant future people that suffer today could be cured, it may be possible for people that

Although this has only been seen with fictional characters or super heros it may be possible for something of this nature to have a great effect on the world
this could greatlly influence the world and in a positive way and in many different ways. There is already a mild version of this kind of thing available in the world.

 Having a disibality can be an everyday challenge, this can be reduced or even removed with the help of specific technology like that shown in the video above. If this scientiv experiment was practiced more widely, if there were funds available and if it was safe and secure it would be a great option for people that have lost a limb.

The growthh of science, and technology, especially when it comes to computers has allowed researchers to come this far

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