Monday 6 December 2010

Web 2.0

What is Web 2.0 all about and how we use it in day to day life (example; Facebook) ?

... is all about making new and improved forms of connections on the net, Web 2.0 sites allows users to interact and collaborate' with each other in a socially in a virtual community.

Examples of Web 2.0 include: social networking sites,blog / blogging, tagging, wiki, video sharing sites (such asYouTube , social networking site and mash up (sites such as ;

Web2.0 is forever updating, Facebook for example is always changing or updating it fit with the times, whether its introducing a new way to upload images, suck as via mobile of just the general layout you can guarantee that within a few months facebook has some new or fresher aspect whilst still following its general purpose- to connect people.

Below is my facebook profile page:

Facebook is a site where everyone is mutual, no one is of a high status or rank than anyone else. Every ones overall Facebook layout is pretty much the same as you cannot change it, meaning that people can concentrate more on doing the normal things in life, such as interacting.
Many people have found love, friendships and unfortunately enemies on facebook but i all comes as a package.

Although sites like Facebook can connect people together a lot of trouble can be caused, just like the real wold there are always problems.

Web 2.0 sites like Facebook take you away from the real world and let you enter the virtual world. Its almost an escape from the reality as like Myspace, twitter, Bebo ect. you can create your own profile exactly how you would want to, choose who your friends are and allow people to only see as much content as you want to.

For some social networking (we2.0 sites like Facebook) are like a little bit of freedom, its actually quite ironic as these sites are very controlled and in a way monitored.

Sites like these are often largely controlled as they are user generated sites; its what people put into the sites that make them what they are.

Websites like 'wikipedia' are a great example; its a user website where anyone with Internet access can upload or add what they would think to be helpful, educational or informative, so long as it is factual and relevant.

Wikipedia is a free online encyclopedia that any one can use or add to (its a way of 'sharing human knowledge'). It is used as a source or to  reference peoples work and plays a large role in shared/open source of education on the Internet.

The online community and contributors to sites are called 'prosumers' as they, the user of the product/ service ate involved in the making.

An example of this is 'Wikinomics' where users are able to share, connect with one another as a global community.

User-generated content, comprised of blogs, wikis and social networking sites, such as Facebook and MySpace, lets everyone have their say on anything and publish it to the world at large. As Web applications become more sophisticated, people can easily develop elaborate personal Web pages, create a blog, and upload their own opinions, audio and video. Users are augmenting the news by reporting current events sometimes faster and with details often overlooked or ignored by the professional news media.
Although millions of opinions and videos, often very amateurish, only add to our information overload, a significant advantage to user-generated content is that truly talented authors, artists, musicians and movie makers can gain an audience much more easily than they could in the past. Word-of-mouth via the Internet is worth a fortune in promotion. Web 2.0 is leveling the playing field in all arenas just as the PC leveled the playing field in business.

People use the web everyday as there is son much you  can do and learn, it has become a part of everyday life.                                            

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