Monday 22 November 2010

Interface, Idenitiy and Representation

"User Interface is a means by which people interact with a particular machine, device or computer programme."
iPad, and any smart phone (such a blackberry or iPhone) can be classed as interface, because you can do multiple things with it- including interact.
Devices like these enable people to use the Internet, download (apps or) applications, as well as use the phone, text and use instant messenger. With Blackberry for example you can use 'Blackberry messenger' (BBM).
A divide labelled as interface is powerful as it has more than one use,it allows someone to use more than one system of communication at once the term interface includes the layout and how the controls of the device respond. This is mostly because it is interactive, the user can touch and interact with the screen . Almost as though your finger is a magnet and inside the device there is another magnet and when they connect the device comes to life

The definition below is taken from an online dictionary full explains the world inside the computer, known as the virtual world...

Virtual World Definition: A virtual world is a genre of online community that often takes the form of a computer-based simulated environment, through which users can interact with one another and use and create objects. Virtual worlds are intended for its users to inhabit and interact, and the term today has become largely synonymous with interactive 3D virtual environments, where the users take the form of avatars visible to others graphically. These avatars are usually depicted as textual, two-dimensional, or three dimensional graphical representations, although other forms are possible (auditory and touch sensations for example). Some, but not all, virtual worlds allow for multiple users.

Below is a spider diagram I created to show different forms of identity and how one person can have different [arts to their identity.

Cyberspace, just much do people's avatars really resemble and truly represent themselves?
(Do we have an audience when connected to these sites? Do we have different identities for different websites? and Who is accessing your information online?)

In cyberspace you can be your own person, everything is virtual, you can even give virtual hugs and kisses, basically cyberspace is a place where you can exaggerate your personality.
Many sites on the inter allow you to create your own person/ image of yourself, Facebook for example has programs like  ‘Farmville’ linked to it, where you can make a mini character of yourself. You have the ability to change skin tone, hair styles, clothing ect. Like the video game ‘The Sims’ you can be who you want to be in the environment of your choice.You can even create and design you own house.

The above image shows a birds eye view of 'Sims' house that someone has created, complete with a Sims family inside showing just how advanced the 'cyberworld' can be.

Farmville is not the only place you can create a virtual character there are many other sites of similar aim; ‘Habbo Hotel’, ‘Ciytville’ ect. 

For example, I created a Habbo Hotel account, 7 years ago when I was in year 8, and haven't been on it since year 10 so that's 5 years! Some how I managed to remember my account and password and so I've just logged in. Wow, it's changed, the overall idea of the site has remained the same however the communication and socialising rooms have completely changed, everything has been modernised. 

In terms of identification I have the same user name that I had created 7 years ago 'Devil111', this is just comical! The fact that I created this so long ago explains my ridiculous character name. At the time I created it I think I wanted to come up with something interesting, different and a bit 'out there'. Its funny because during the time I made it, age 12/13, I was innocent, never got into trouble or didn't anything reallyyy bad, I hardly every even got detention so the fact that I called myself 'devil' I just have to LOL!!
Its interesting, 'Habbo Hotel's caption/ moto is, 'make friends, join the fun, get noticed!' and at a young age I wanted to do exactly that. This just shows that anyone can misrepresent themselves, even without intending to. People don't always show there identity in a true way. There are so many ways to deceive people. Intentionally and unintentionally. There are so many options when creating your 'mini-me', you can be any one, create yourself in anyway you like. Different categories give you the option of being anything you want, and updating 'yourself' at any time. Skin colour, hair colour, clothes, shoes, accessories, even facial features; you can give your character a big nose or a small one, green eyes or even purple eyes, it's all up to you and your personal choice.

Since starting uni I haven't really used 'Farmville' but as it wasn't long ago that I stopped using it I think that it would be a very good example.
Below is an image showing one of the options that you can use when creating your mini person, it's so simple, go through your options, pick your favourite or what most suits you and at a click of a button it's done.

Below is the avatar that I created to represent me on Facebook, I've also included a picture of me that I once had on my Facebook profile as a comparison, I chose this (kinda weird pose but oh well) photo to show the similarities and differences between the way I look and the way my character looks.  I like my avatars to as much like me as possible =) .


Having different games and sites that cater to every means that everyone is happy. It’s great that there is a place for everyone to make their own ‘mini me’ on the net, whether your into films, sports or chess, it’s just another way to socialise.

                               Above is an image of my avatar in the 'Farmville society'.

In a way our audience on a site when we represent our selves through characters  is the other people connected to that site. Everyone makes their profile knowing that other people are going to see it or read it, that is what makes our audience people that we interact with. Old friends, new friends, family ect.

Most people have separate identities for different sites without even realising it. It’s like having a password, or homepage, we often have more than one and in terms of home pages they are not always in the same layout. For example a person may have a different layout, picture or overall persona on a social networking site like Facebook compared to their Bebo or Myspace. I additionally depends on what is on offer form the sites as a site like Myspace is more free in layout and design that Facebook where everyone is equal as everyone is as human.

The majority of websites have pass codes/ passwords as well as the option to change your setting, even Blogger does. People have the right to privacy, if someone didn’t want another specific person to see something on their profile it is possible for that person to be blocked. I believe this to be very important as everyone is individual and some people prefer more privacy than other so the option should be available.

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