Monday 8 November 2010

Old to New Media

How and to what extent has the world wide 
web influenced people?
(Where would we be without the Internet today and what would come of the world if the Internet was taken away)

The World Wide Web is a global information medium that is accessed via the Internet on the computer. Launched in 1990 this system of interlinked documents which has become a world of knowledge. The terrific idea of a web browser allows people to quickly and easily find what they are looking for.

Many would see the world at a loss without the Internet today, as it is so important and influential to so many peoples lives. Billions of people use the Internet everyday day; at home, at work, in education centers (such as college or universities), people even carry the Internet around ion their pockets and use it on their phones.

The Internet can be described as a revelation, greatly altering the way in which the human race do many things, including communication between one another. 

If the Internet were to be taken away from people in today's society, there would be uproar. Dependent on the Internet, people of today that have it would be lost without it.
The Internet is not only a source of education but also a factor of entertainment. With so many different type of websites int the net its no wonder people have been labelled as 'addiceted' to 'surfing the web'.
Social networking sites such as ms, Facebook and twitter have proved to be more popular than sites that provide information for academic enhancement.
Using the Internet has become a way of life, almost automatically people wake up int he morning and one of the first things they do is use the net, for some it comes even before brushing their teeth!
To check the weather, to see whether or not there traffic, to listen to the radio. For many people the Internet falls into their daily routine- some even feel like they couldn't live with out it.
For this weeks lecture I decided to do a simple survey asking 12 students at random from the University lounge area whether or not they could go a whole day with out any technology

1 Question Interview:

Myself:           Do you think you could give up using the Internet... forever?
Student:          I actually don't think I could go the week without using the Internet, let alone my entire life. It's
                      abnormal. I just have to use facebook or update twitter... and how am I supposed to do
                      extended research for my subject without google!

In some respects people are people are just building on old media to create new media realising media and technology that is just the updated version of old media, rather than completely new media being created. I think this is partly because people often stick to what they are familiar with rather than branching out and using something completely new. For example the Xbox Kinect. Its an updated version of the Xbox with wireless controllers which was the updated version of a console connected to a controller.

On the other hand, technological wonders Wii are completely new as they introduce the idea of exercise as well as a game which has been a good seller in its recent years of production.

There is however a continuous pattern where the technology either gets smaller or of better quality which definitely classes as new media being built on top of old media. 

Media is all very different now. Media today is all interlinked, you can navigate between these links and different types of media using hyperlinks. These hyperlinks link different types of media that together are also known as multimedia, this includes, text, photos, videos, sound clips, illustration, animation ect.

How old media led to new Media...

                                             (google images grouped together to show different types of media )

  • Wanting improvement
  • Social change
  • The need to update technology- making new things possible as well as quick& easier.
  • Modern society
  • People wanting to revolutionise
  • Wanting to be educated
  • Wanting more ways to communicate

How it all started...
  • The printing press and movable type
  • The telegraph and telephone
  • Recorded content: music > film
  • Radio signals and broadcasting radio broadcasting TV

I decided to do some background and research work.  I chose a sample of 12 students, again from the university lounge area and asked them whether or not they could go a whole day with out any technology and would they find it easy living without ever being able to use technology...

9/12 people said they could go a whole day without technology.
1/12 people said they would find it easy to live without technology.

The results show just how much people, especially students, are  linked to and dependent on technology, particularly the ones that believe they cannot live without it.

After seeing the results I came to the conclusion that the web has taken over peoples lives, not nessarrly in a bad way but a productive way; there is now new sources of information.

The internet has had a massive effect on the world, a lot of peorple use it everyday and would their jobs and day to day life style difficult if they were without it, they almost depend on it.

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